One of the advantages of using an experienced tax professional for tax preparation and tax planning services is that you always have someone to call about your tax concerns.
The IRS has been alerted to a new email phishing scam. The emails, while they may appear to be from the IRS, are not, and include a link to a bogus website that is intended to appear to be the official IRS website. These emails contain the direction “you are to update your IRS e-file immediately.” The emails mention and IRSgov, but do not mention the IRS’s official website,
Taxpayers who get these emails should not respond to the email or click on any of the links. Instead, they should forward the scam emails to the IRS at
Whenever the IRS wishes to contact a taxpayer, it usually does so by sending a notice or letter using the U.S. postal service (USPS). The IRS does occasionally visit taxpayer’s at their personal residence if the IRS is attempting to collect back taxes. Taxpayers need to understand that the IRS does not contact them using email, texting, or any social media.
If you want to learn more about your personal tax situation and how working with a tax professional will benefit you, we invite you to call 610-594-2601 today to make an appointment at our Exton PA CPA office to discuss your situation. You can also schedule a consultation at Click Here.
Pursuant to IRS Circular Notice 230, we are required to inform you that any advice included in this communication is not intended to be used, and it cannot be used by you or any other person or entity, for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code or applicable state or local tax law provisions.
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